fixating on Dani’s lips.

Was she always this intoxicating, or was it the wine? Emily

felt her body grow heavy and the more she willed herself to

get up and bring her bedding from the closet the further she

felt herself sinking into the couch. She was rooted to the spot,

even when Dani leaned towards her, one brow cocked in a

knowing manner.

“Was that wine too much?” she asked, and it seemed that

there was almost a playful note to her voice.

Emily giggled, but it turned into a full-on laugh that left her

abs aching. “I’m not drunk.”


“No. Just nicely buzzed.”

Dani hesitated, but then her jaw set in a determined line. “I

want to talk about what happened on the beach. I’m not

someone who does… I mean, I know we’re legally married,

but that’s also an agreement, and I just wanted to make sure

that we are both still on the same page with that. I’m not

someone who does strings. I don’t do attachments. I’m too

busy for that. I have the shop, and I like being independent.

I’m sorry that I kissed you. That was out of line.”

“Was it?” Emily realized that was the wrong thing to say.

She tried for something else to correct herself. “I’m not sorry.”

Nope. That wasn’t the right thing either. That was probably the

dead opposite. Maybe she was drunk, even though she still

didn’t think so.

Dani sighed. She raked a hand through her hair, fingers

combing out the long, raven strands. Emily’s mouth went dry.

She could feel every nerve ending in her body coming to life

like they’d all been lit on fire with a torch. Her brain was