because they’re freaking in love and married. It will probably

just be a blip on most people’s radar. Like I said, the PR


“Okay,” Emily ground out. “A few days. If things get worse

after three days, then I have to fix things in my own way.”

“By getting an annulment and telling your parents they were

right and choosing a career that will make you unhappy.”

Emily’s hands tightened on the wheel. Dani wasn’t sure

why she suddenly cared. Why this should mean anything to

her. She should be eager to kick Emily out the door. It was

more than just her innate sense of justice. It was more than

being offended by what Emily’s father said. It was just

something more. Dani didn’t want to put it into words, to

define it, because that would make it real, and she’d never

wanted even the tiniest grains of that in her life.

“You know what we could use?” Dani said to liven the tense

atmosphere. “Mac and cheese. We’re almost home. I’ll make


Dani watched the tension drain out of Emily. Her lips turned

up at the corners. That tightness in Dani’s chest tightened

further. Her breath caught just a little, and she forced herself to

expel it. Who was this new Dani? The one who let her guard

down? The one who kissed on the beach and watched sunsets

and talked about her painful past? That wasn’t her at all.

It was absolutely terrifying, what she’d done back there.

Half of her wanted to hate it, but the other half – the half of

her that she didn’t know was there, locked away – was so very

hopeful that it made her want to cry. And crying wasn’t

something she did either, just like smiling, or sunsets on the

beach, or talking, or kissing.