“No, it was you who didn’t want to have kids. Now you’re a dried-up old prune. You’re a workaholic. This store was always your life. Don’t blame me because you didn’t have a chance to do everything that you wanted to do in your life. That’s not classy. Not tasteful either.”

Neera had heard more than enough. She wasn’t going to stand there and let Scarlet be insulted by a turd of a man who had never loved her properly. She knew all about Scarlet’s marriage before it ended.

The mistress that Bryan had cheated with was only one in a long string of many before that. The only difference was that Scarlet had found out about this one. Finally. Maybe because he wanted her to. Either way, to Neera’s mind, it was a mercy. It made her think of Steph, cheating shamelessly with one of her girlfriend’s friends, saying after, in her defense, that it was because she was bored, and things were feeling worn out.

She hadn’t tried to talk about it before. Hadn’t even brought anything up. She’d never once said that she wasn’t feeling it anymore, that they should talk to someone, that they had issues to work out. It made Neera feel like an imbecile that she hadn’t seen it coming.

It only took her a minute to reach the back counter, but when she got there, she was steamed up, ready to fight for herself and for Scarlet and for women everywhere who got the shitty end of the stick. “Hey, Bryan,” she said, misleadingly sweet. She might be ready for a fight, but she also hoped that he would just leave.

Bryan’s face reddened. He was older than Neera remembered, but then, she probably hadn’t seen him in three or four years. His hair was dyed too black, and it couldn’t disguise the fleshiness of his face, the way the skin stretched and sagged with age. He was six years older than Scarlet, but while she looked like she was in her early thirties, he looked ten years older than he really was.

“Oh. Neera. I- I didn’t think there was anyone in the store.”

“Hmmm. So that’s why you thought it was okay to waltz in here like you own the place, which you clearly don’t, because it was Scarlet who put all her hard work and dedication into making this business flourish, while if I remember correctly, you said that it would never work. Guess she proved you wrong. So, if there’s anything tasteless, it’s you coming in here instead of going through the lawyers or at least acting like a civil person.”

Bryan swallowed thickly. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt with black pants and a black jacket— bad choice, navy and black, but then it was always Scarlet who had the fashion sense— and the collar was buttoned too tight against his bulging neck.

“You’re both crazy,” he spluttered, looking between them. “Don’t t

hink I haven’t heard how you’re running around like a teenage slut making up for lost time, Scarlet. Trying to be young again. Boston might be a big city, but it’s not big enough. People are talking. Let’s see how this place goes downhill once everyone finds out who you really are”

Neera was so far from amused. She crossed her arms and appeared as casual as she could. “Who she really is? As in, a lesbian? Or just experimenting because she’s single and has every right to do that? I don’t see anything wrong with that, either way, so it must be more that your masculinity has somehow taken a hit. Are you angry that some people might perceive you to have been not manly enough? People can be rather ridiculous, thinking that a person can be turned into a lesbian by a bad sexual experience, and not because it’s a real orientation. You do know, as an educated person, that a lot of people have to lie to themselves, or spend years hiding who they are, living their life in fear because of hurtful, ignorant comments like you just uttered? Or maybe they just legitimately weren’t sure. Most of the time, it’s the shitty societal expectations that stifle a person, though. But anyway. You’re really going to go there and start right in with the homophobia? Because what you said sounded really, really bad.”

“I wasn’t implying that,” Bryan spluttered, turning at least three shades redder than he was before the lecture.

Neera’s hand shot to her throat, pantomiming unbuttoning a shirt, hoping Bryan would take the hint before he hyperventilated and passed out. “But you did just say that her store was going to suffer because you know she’s slept with a woman after you officially were divorced.”

“That’s you putting words in my mouth.”

“Is it though? I’m pretty sure it’s what you meant. And the security system has sound, just so you know. You’re literally on tape, so is everything you’ve said and how you treated Scarlet. I think you should apologize and just leave. If she has anything that belongs to you, I’m sure it was a legit oversight, because I know I wouldn’t want to hang onto baggage that should have been thrown out when the rest of the trash saw fit to take a hike. It was so good to see you again. Really. Have a great life B-dog. Oh, sorry.” Neera clapped a hand over her mouth and rolled her eyes. “I know you thought you were cool for having cheated on your wife over and over again. Does knocking up a nineteen-year-old admin assistant not count as being cool nowadays?”

“I’ll get the ring to your lawyer’s office first thing in the morning,” Scarlet said, clearing her throat. She seemed to have temporarily recovered. “I really did just forget about it. In the future, if there’s something you need, can you just email me to remind me? I’d like to have a written record of these things.”

“You’ve turned into a real raging bitch, Scarlet, you know that?” Apparently, Bryan wasn’t going to be outdone. He wasn’t going to meet rational with rational. “Who are you to talk to me about who I’m with when you’re clearly doing the same thing with your best friend’s daughter? You’re a sickening hypocritic.”

Neera nearly rocked back on her heels, but she caught herself in time and struggled to keep her expression from giving her away. “Bye, B-dog. Better go before you embarrass yourself trying to use any more big words. Enjoy being a dad. I think you’re stellar material. A real natural. And by the way, I send my condolences to that poor girl. I expect she’ll find the first full moon and go full on ‘raging bitch’ in no time. I think it’s a side effect of being married to you. Take care now.”

Bryan’s eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He pointed a finger at Scarlet. “If I don’t have that ring by tomorrow—”

“You will. Now, I think it’s a good idea for you to leave.” There was no mistaking the authority in Scarlet’s tone, and just because she wasn’t yelling didn’t make her quiet words any less menacing. She was fully in control of herself, and the situation, and that was incredibly… hot.

Neera realized that Scarlet probably hadn’t needed her to come out and fight her battles for her, but she was glad that she had anyway. Scarlet didn’t need to put up with that nonsense. And, watching her stare her douchebag ex-husband down? It was so, so worth it.

Bryan actually did heed Scarlet’s advice and made a fast exit. He was puffing hard when he pushed through the door. Neera turned to Scarlet, expecting her to appear triumphant, but instead, she sagged against the counter.

“Oh, my God,” Scarlet breathed. “That was— I’m so sorry.”

Neera took a step closer, her hand outstretched, but she stopped just shy of touching Scarlet’s shoulder. “Are you okay? He’s just an asshole. Don’t let him get to you.”

“Why would he say that?” Scarlet gasped. “About the dating thing? If Elodie heard…”

Neera’s stomach twisted, and a stitch formed in her side like she’d just run a long distance. She almost panted and choked at the same time. It was a good thing for her that she’d had lots of practice hiding how she really felt. It wasn’t easy for her to force a smile and appear unaffected, but she thought she did it convincingly. She hoped so.

“She’d know exactly where it came from and why. He’s a prick. A sick prick dick. Come on, give it a try. Childish name calling with rhymes is guaranteed to put a smile on your face, at least this time. Bryan is a special case. Actually, I can’t think of anyone more deserving.”

It was stupid, but it worked. Scarlet straightened up and offered her a shy, relieved smile. “Thank you for coming out here to help. I could have handled him, but it would have been much uglier than what you heard.”

“Did he say things like that when you were married?”