profile and send you a rating survey about the company and

about me at the end. I’m not fishing for anything. We’re

required to send it.”

“I’m really sorry. For all of this. But that’s not…I just

have something to tell you. Something that I don’t want to do

over the phone or over email. I really don’t want to do it in

public either. It’s private.”

Adley’s voice softens, even though it wasn’t hard

before. She’s so much quieter now. “It’s alright. You don’t

have to explain yourself to me. I completely understand. Don’t

worry about me either. I do hope that we can keep in—”

“I have to. Please. If you’re not comfortable coming

here, I could meet you somewhere. A lounge or something.

Get a drink. But please.” I’m getting desperate now. I don’t

know how to make her understand.

The urgency in my voice obviously registers, and

Adley is a good person. She’s kind. Too kind. People probably

take advantage of her kindness, and that makes me furious,

half at myself, even though that’s not what I’m trying to do.

“Alright. Depending on where you live, I can leave

now and probably be there in an hour.”

Gratitude and guilt rise in me in equal measure. I feel

that this is something that I have to do. If I only tell one person

on the planet, then I want it to be Adley. I also feel bad about

dragging her out late on a Sunday night. Then I remember

something else. Adley can’t just leave. Adley has Tildy. She

can’t very well drag her with her. She might actually be in bed

already. How could I be so selfish? How could I get so

wrapped up in myself that I wouldn’t even think of it until
