usually hire from within for that and you need to have

seniority. I wouldn’t mind starting at the bottom, but I’d

probably have to do admin work. Which I’d be okay with too.”

“I could check with my brother or my dad and see if

they have a position at the company. Writing about tires might

not be very interesting though.”

“Really?” I just about leap out of the booth, I’m so

shocked. “I wasn’t hinting at that at all.”

“I know. Believe me, I know.”

“Okay. I would never want you to think—”

“I don’t.”

“If you want to, that would be great. I wouldn’t mind

even doing reception or coffee runs or whatever. If they don’t

have anything open, that’s okay too. Thank you for even

offering. That’s really kind.”

“Have you ever thought about going back to school so

that you could teach?”

“Oh god. I don’t think I’d have any special talent for

teaching. I don’t know that I have any patience.”

“You might be surprised.”

“I think to be a teacher you have to be more than just

good at something. You have to have a passion for it, but you

have to be able to commute that passion to other people and

make them passionate too. I think about all the terrible

teachers I’ve had who were brilliant people and really

dedicated at what they did, but just couldn’t pass what they

knew along to anyone else, or didn’t want to try because they

didn’t know how. I just think I wouldn’t be very good at it.”

“You can get trained. There are classes that could show

you how. If you wanted to do it.”