because that is the only option.

I punch in the address for the nearest location to the

gym I have a membership for and start the car.

Chapter 7


“Ow, Auntie, you’re going to rip my hand off.” Tildy plants

her feet in the middle of the sidewalk and refuses to budge.

I drop her hand immediately, startled, embarrassed, and

horrified. Then I see the little smirk that she’s trying to hide.

“You’re making that up. I wasn’t hurting you, was I?”

“I guess not,” Tildy says. “But do we have to walk so


“Well, we’re late.” Story of my freaking life. “You

remember the lady I met with a couple weeks ago? Stephanie?

We’re having breakfast with her this morning and it looks bad

not to get there on time because this is for my work.”

“But it’s Saturday.”

“Yes, well, sometimes adults have to work, even on the


“Meemaw doesn’t work.”

“No, Meemaw is retired, but she had to go and get her

hair done this morning and Peepaw is golfing at his work

tournament and couldn’t let everyone down by not showing.

Why Meemaw couldn’t remember that she had a hair

appointment until this morning is beyond me.”

“They called her yesterday. I heard her talking about it.

She probably just told you late so you couldn’t say no.”

Hmm. How ingenious. I suspected as much. Even

Tildy has my mom’s number, and she’s six years old. I change

tactics, since I can’t do anything about my mom’s frantic call