profiles right over. If you like someone, let me know. If not,

don’t worry. I’ll have a few more for you in a couple days.”

“Okay. I’m sorry again about Jeff. He was, on paper,

the perfect match. Even off paper. I can see why you picked


“Don’t apologize,” I tell her again. I feel dismayed

when she pushes back her chair and stands up.

“Sorry. I have a ton of tests to grade. I couldn’t focus

yesterday and they’ll probably take me the rest of the weekend

at this rate.”

“I hope you’re not worried about—”

“It’s not that.” Steph throws her shoulder bag over her

left arm and holds up her tea to me. She doesn’t tell me what it

is that’s worrying her. I don’t pry, because that’s none of my

business. “Thank you for this. It’s amazing. I’m going to come

here again for sure. I can’t buy a book today or I’d tempt

myself with it and not finish my work, but I’m going to stop

back in and get some when I have some free time.”

The fact that Steph likes to read and is tempted by

books, and gets so lost in them that she neglects everything

else, reminds me of me so much that my chest squeezes in


“Yeah. For sure. I’m going to choose a few. I’ll send

those profiles over when I get back home. In an hour?”

“Take your time.” Steph waves at me and heads out the

door so casually that I almost have the impression that she was

more worried about apologizing about Jeff than she is about

finding a match. That’s not true. Just back to the old wishful

thinking again.

A good book is exactly what I need right now. A