“We could discuss the other profiles or I could just

send them to you to take a look. You could go over the

messages. See what you think. If you don’t like any of them,

that’s fine. There’s time and there are many other people.

Don’t feel discouraged. This isn’t about getting discouraged.

We’ll get it right. So right that you’ll be amazed.” I think I

hate myself more with every passing second.

“That’s…that’s great. Thank you. I’ll just look at them

at home, if that’s okay?”

“For sure.”

“So…” Steph seems reluctant to go, and that’s honestly

just fine with me. “Where’s Tildy?”

“Oh. She’s with my parents right now.”

“Oh really? That’s nice that they live close and can


“It is. Tildy loves them and they love her. She’s their

first and only grandchild so far and they spoil her like you

wouldn’t believe.”

Steph smiles. “My brother is older than me. Jesse is

thirty-five. He’s been with his girlfriend for six years now, but

they’re not in a rush to get married. Honestly, I feel like

they’ve been together for so long that the magic is gone and

they’re kind of just killing time. Which sounds bad. He loves

her. I think. I mean, he did. I don’t know. I guess it’s

complicated. Don’t listen to me. I don’t really know anything

about their relationship other than what they want the family

to see. Everyone’s different when they’re in private, aren’t


“I guess they probably are.” I’m seriously no expert.

I’ve only been in one committed relationship. It lasted for two