“Uh, I do have a few more potential matches. Do you

want to hear about them?”

“I don’t know why it didn’t work out last night,” Steph

says. I can tell she’s pretty lost in her own thoughts, so I shut

up and let her continue. “He was nice. Really. He was perfect.

You were right. I got the vibe that he wouldn’t have cared

about the money at all. He was good looking. Nice. Easy to

talk to. He seemed really interesting. I guess maybe I’m

looking for that spark that everyone talks about. It wasn’t

there. Is that real, do you think? I can’t hon

estly say that I’ve

ever really felt it with anyone. Maybe it doesn’t really exist.

Maybe I’m being too picky. Maybe the right person just isn’t

out there and I’ll have to settle for someone my parents dredge

up and it will be a horrible, painful existence.”

“On that note, I think we need a drink. Unfortunately,

they don’t serve whisky, but I can promise a really, really good

latte, frap, or good old regular coffee. Or tea. Or they make

this amazing iced tea drink.”

“Sure. One of those sounds good. Just whatever you

think is best.”

“Okay. Coming right up. They use locally grown teas

as much as possible around here, and it’s all organic.”

“That’s amazing.” Steph digs for her wallet, but I wave

her off.

“My treat.”

“But you’re already meeting with me today. I feel…

really bad about last night. Like it’s my fault that it didn’t

work out. No, it is my fault.”

“I don’t think it’s a matter of fault. You can’t force