pumped. I’m so excited to watch those two little boys grow up.

They’re only two weeks old and they already have so much


“You’re thinking about their personalities again, aren’t


I let out a small gasp, which I bite down on

immediately, and stare anxiously at the two angels sleeping in

their identical bassinets by the bed.

“I didn’t know you were awake.” Adley was taking a

much-needed nap.

We have basically started sleeping in shifts, so I’m

sitting propped up against the headboard, reading. The twins

were up most of the night. We both stay awake together with

them for the few hours that they’re most active, then we start

our shift sleeping. There isn’t much sleeping with two crying

babies though.

Adley didn’t have enough milk for two babies, so

we’ve been formula feeding since day one, which is a small

mercy. It lets her get more rest, since the twins drink a bottle

much quicker than they would breastfeed. Adley is still sore

from the birth two weeks ago. She had a scheduled C-section,

so it’s going to take her a while before she’s able to move

without feeling sore. I know some people say they don’t feel

it, but she feels it.

I immediately search her face for signs of pain. She

often tries to tell me she’s fine when I can tell she isn’t, but

right now she’s relaxed.

“I was staring at them too,” she whispers. “They’re so

freaking perfect, aren’t they?”

“They are. The two most perfect babies that ever