can see all that love that he has for me. The protectiveness.

The pride. I’ve obviously seen him look at me this way before,

but it’s never hit me this hard before. So hard that I want to

break down, laugh, and launch myself at him for a huge hug

all at the same time.

“I know we don’t tell you often enough how proud we

really are of you. Ever since you were a little girl you knew

what you wanted and you went after it. None of us understood

the obsession with science. But you wanted it and you went

for it, even when we tried to talk you into going into the

business. You wanted to be a teacher. That’s an incredible

calling. We were shocked and we were worried about you, but

you walked your own path and now look at you. You have no

idea how much your mother and I love you. You have no idea

how very happy we are that you’ve taken what you wanted

and made that a reality. It takes a lot of courage and hard work

to do what you do every single day. We want you to be happy,

Stephanie. Happy, safe, loved, what every father wants for

their little girl.”

“Jeez, Dad…”

“Don’t start with that,” Dad says with a wobbly grin as

I brush the back of my hands across my eyes. “Or do, if you

want. I’m sorry if you didn’t know. If you ever doubted it.”

“Not really. I was just scared. Fear is irrational.”

“It is irrational, but it’s often built into us to protect us

from danger and to preserve our life. You know that. It’s a

hardwired instinct.”

“Yes.” What the heck have I spent the past few days

thinking about? How could I not have thought rationally when

that’s all I usually do?