Adley crawls up the bed slowly, letting me watch her

body flex and change with every movement. I love watching

her sleek muscles under her creamy, silky skin. I love

watching her curves shift and change, her waist so narrow, the

sweet curves of her hips. She’s the most beautiful creation in

existence. And she’s with me.

I can’t believe it. I can’t believe how close this came to

not happening. Being with Adley makes me feel like I both

wasted a lot of time and that I’ve made all the right decisions

in the past. It makes me feel like I should have been honest a

long time ago, but I know that this would have been missing,

even if I was. I’m sure that there is no one like her, at least for

me. For me, she is absolutely perfect. Absolutely the right fit.

Everything I’ve ever done and said, lived and learned brought

me to the decision to use the dating agency she works for,

which let us meet. So maybe I did everything right. Even the

things I did wrong.

“You’re thinking really hard again,” Adley whispers

softly near my ear. “Your forehead has this giant wrinkle in it.

You get that when you’re lost somewhere else.”

I cover her cheeks with my hands and pull her face to

mine. I can taste myself on her now and that makes me feel

wild and exhilarated. “I’m only thinking about you,” I whisper

against her lips. “About how perfect you are. How beautiful.

About how maybe I did everything right because somehow

I’m here with you and that amazes me.”

She stills just a little, and I wait for her. When she

kisses me again, it’s soft, tender, and reassuring. Then her

tongue tangles with mine and the flames are back and I’m

filled with hard, aching desire again.