“Wait! Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. You have Tildy.”

“Tildy is at my parents.” Adley might not want to

come over here, but she doesn’t use Tildy as an out. She could

have told me that she was already asleep or anything else and I

wouldn’t have pressed. I probably would have just given up on

my need to get this out.


“I’m here. Just thinking.”

“Do you still want me to come?”

I should be polite and tell her not to worry about it. I

should go back to shoving all that stuff I’ve kept buried right

back down. I should, but I just can’t. I’m just not in the

headspace to cover it all up with lies either.

“Yes. If that’s alright?”

“Sure. Send me the address and I’ll leave right away.”

“Thank you.”

I hang up and text her my address. I feel just a little bit

better. Just a little bit lighter. A little bit less like I weigh a

thousand pounds. It’s far from floating or flying, but maybe

I’ll get there. As long as I don’t lose my courage before Adley


My phone dings. There’s a text from Adley.

Twenty minutes, my GPS says.

I try to let the breath out of my lungs, but it’s stuck in

there for good. I’m no good with words, but I have to find the

right ones. I can’t give up. I want to, for the first time in my

whole life, put the truth out there. I can’t lose my nerve.

I just have to hold on for twenty more minutes.

Chapter 9
