her hand and pass her the now cold latte, which she drinks just

as enthusiastically, and head out of the park to tackle the

disaster that is my life.

Chapter 4


I have to admit, I’m more than a little annoyed with myself.

It’s been a week. An entire week. Seven days. I can’t stop

thinking about Adley James.

It’s normal to think about her, I guess, since she wrote

my profile for me, which I approved, and has been working on

potential matches all week. This is a big deal for me. I’m tired

of being by myself. I want a partner. I want children. I want a

family. I want someone who will take the good with the bad,

who really sees me. All of that stuff that everyone truly wishes

for. I’m not unlike everyone else in that regard. But I know the

profile and the dating site aren’t the only reasons I’ve been

thinking about Adley.

It’s an usual name. Adley. It makes me wonder if her

parents are unconventional, as people say. I wonder how old

they are, given that Adley looks to be in her mid-twenties.

Quite young to have a six-year-old daughter, but again, I’m

not one to judge. Despite her worries over the latte, I think

she’s likely a great mom. I saw how she watched Adley on the

playground, always keeping tabs on her, even though it was

also obvious she was giving me her full attention while she

was asking me questions. She seems easy going.

Compassionate. Kind. Sweet. Did she learn that from her

parents? Does she have siblings? Are they like her? Older or


She said she’s an English major. I wonder if she’s ever