miserable? I can’t be crippled by fear forever. What kind of

way to live is that? That would be like me sitting back and

doing all those things that I scoffed at other people for doing.

I’ve worked with people that I just couldn’t stand

because they were unreasonable about what kind of match

they’d find or their expectations, or I knew that they were still

living in the past and whatever I did wasn’t going to change

anything. I used to have quite a bit of scorn for those people,

even though I knew what it was like. I tried not to be mean,

but I’d get exasperated.

I feel terrible about that now. About my impatience.

My lack of compassion. About my frustration.

Here I am, doing the same thing. Sitting across from

my perfect match, a woman who I care about, who I could see

myself falling in love with, doing life with, maybe even

having a family with, and I’d throw it all away for fear.

That sounds totally unreasonable now that it’s sunk in

and been dissected.

“You know what I want?”

Steph waits. Her left toe starts swaying in the air and

her finger taps the bench just once. I can tell she’s nervous, but

only because of that. Her face is still so soft. Her eyes are


Good lord, why did I ever think of running from this? I

should be running to her. Running so freaking fast.

“I want you. I’m so sorry, Steph. I’ll try to think in the

future. Calm down. Be more, I don’t know, rational. I don’t

want to spend the rest of my life alone. I want to go on dates

with you. I want to keep getting to know you. I want to be able

to fall in love with you. I want to do all the life stuff with you.