Someone you can imagine yourself growing old with and

living life with. Not just the sappy, regular romantic stuff, but

all the things that truly matter.”

“That sounds good.” If Adley and her agency could

find someone like that for me, I’d be amazed. I’ve tried. Hard.

It never worked out.

I debate getting into the whole deal about my family

and the fact that they have money, but I figure that can wait. I

don’t want to force myself into the conversation and ruin

everything she’s carefully planned. I really do want to hear

what she has to say.

Or maybe it’s more that I’m oddly content just to sit

here and watch her watch her daughter playing on the

playground, a soft look of love on her face, further

transforming her into something so beautiful that she’s like a

painting on a gallery wall.

What can I say? I’m artsy. In college, I dabbled with

photography. I really enjoyed it. I love watching people. I love

looking at people. Young, old, male, female. Everyone is

beautiful in some unique way.

That’s why I like watching Adley right now.

Because I’m artsy and she’s got a lot of personality to

go with all that beauty. If I was a real artist, I might even go a

step further and commit it to memory, but I know that no

sketch, no painting, and probably not even a photo, could

really do her justice.

Chapter 3


Stephanie is looking at me kind of funny. She might be

annoyed with me and trying to hide it. Maybe she’s just