“To do? I don’t know.”

“Okay, that’s too vague. What’s your favorite hobby? Or

what are your hobbies?”

The questions game actually helped. “I guess that before,

when I wasn’t going to school at night and working during the

day and when things weren’t falling apart, I used to like to go

to the movies. I love plays and musicals and stuff. We used to

go to them all the time as a family. We’d do family movie

night too.”

“Do you have a favorite one of those?”

“No. Movies are like books. It’s impossible to pick a

favorite. We used to do puzzles too.”

“Jigsaw puzzles?”

“Yeah. The seascape ones were the best. They were so

colorful. My mom loved ones with turtles. If it had a turtle, she

would buy it. We never had any pets growing up, I don’t really

know why, but if we could have gotten something, she would

have wanted to have a turtle.”

“We never had pets either.” A pause, and Coralyn nearly

jumped in her chair. “I don’t know how I just knew that. It’s

weird. It comes out of nowhere.”

When would the scene in her office come back? Would it

come out of nowhere that she’d married a complete stranger?

Oddly enough, Coralyn hoped not, and not just for the obvious

reasons. She needed to tell Giana herself. If she remembered,

could she have her arrested for fraud? For theft? She didn’t

want to think about that. What she wanted to imagine was that

she belonged somewhere again. To someone. That their

relationship was real. She could almost see them together,

nestled on the couch, snuggling, a bowl of popcorn between