she had an aura of strength and understanding and radiated


Even when she spoke, delivering the hardest of blows, she

was still all calm and gentleness. “I don’t think it’s going to be

long now. I’m sorry, Coralyn.”

“Yeah,” Coralyn managed. “Me too.”

Jennifer’s smile was soft and soothing. “You’ve provided

the best care for him. Everyone did everything they could.”

It wasn’t enough. Coralyn wanted to spit that out, but it

would be like poison, and she’d put enough of that into the

world. She hadn’t done all she could. If they’d had more

money, they could have done more. Pursued experimental

treatments in other countries. Something more. She’d never

felt so wretched in her life. All the fight had gone out of her.

Coralyn was worried about herself. She was worried that she’d

just evaporate into molecules that couldn’t be seen or heard or


Jennifer was probably experienced enough that she knew

what she was feeling. She walked over and knelt down in front

of Coralyn. She didn’t touch her or push her in any way, but

Coralyn fell into the other woman’s blue eyes all the same.

“I’ve done something terrible,” Coralyn choked out. She

glanced at her dad, praying he couldn’t hear her now.

“Something he would have hated.”

Jennifer shook her head. “People do strange things when

they’re grieving. Don’t be too hard on yourself. He probably

would understand, even if you don’t feel that way right now.

Be kind to yourself. Give yourself some time to heal. I’m sure

things can be made right.”

They couldn’t. Things were so beyond fucked up. The