didn’t look after her? Giana was going to change that. She was

going to right those wrongs. She was going to look after

Coralyn. Why should she be ashamed? They would get

married soon. She’d make sure it happened.

“What day is it?”

Coralyn concentrated on the road. Traffic was thick. Was it

always thick? Probably. There were buildings all around them.

Tall ones. Were they downtown? Likely. “Tuesday.”

By Friday. She would make sure they were married by

Friday, if Coralyn agreed.

There was something bothering her. Giana was sure of it the

longer they drove. A few more miles, and Coralyn’s eyes

welled up with tears. She brushed them away at a red light.

Giana set her hand on her knee, even though it felt strange.

Something that she didn’t normally do.

“What’s wrong?”

Coralyn blinked hard. The light changed and she inched

forward. They weren’t really going anywhere. She swiped at

her eyes again. “It’s my dad. He’s really sick.” She let out a

shuddery breath. It was cold in the car. It still hadn’t warmed

up. The windows were slowly frosting over from the bottom

up from the cold air blowing on them. Coralyn didn’t seem to

notice. “He’s got cancer and he probably doesn’t have much


“What? Jesus. I’m so sorry. We should go see him. Right

now.” How could she not have remembered this? What was

wrong with her that she couldn’t remember her own fiancée or

details like this? She could remember the pain, though. It was

there, at the back of her mind. Shut it down, she whispered to

herself. Shut it down, shut it down, shut it down.