
She felt her phone in her hand and she opened her eyes. “It’s

Coralyn,” the woman whispered. “That’s okay. I was just

explaining it to you. I knew about that. I’ve known it for a

long time. We do what we have to do. Anyway, my name is in

your contacts under Coralyn Driedger. In case you need me

later and you can’t remember.”

“Coralyn. That’s a beautiful name.”

“Thank you.”

“Why aren’t we married yet?”

Coralyn stiffened. She grasped the steering wheel and put

her hand on the gear shift in the middle of the car. “We wanted

to keep things secret until it was too late for anyone to change

it. You’re rather high profile, and we didn’t want that attention.

If we were married, it would be too late for anyone to have

objections about it.”

“We’re in love? That crazy kind of love you read about?

Dream about? Find once in a lifetime?” The idea made Giana

happy. Her chest swelled with it. Was it just the idea of it or

did she really feel it? She didn’t know. It was terrible that she

didn’t know.

“Yes.” There was no hesitation. Just honest, deep truth in

those sapphire eyes. “Yes, I think so.”

Giana turned and cupped Coralyn’s face. Her cold cheeks

warmed to her touch. She let out a sound of surprise, but then

Giana pressed their mouths together, taking hers in a kiss. It

was too rough. She was too rough. The kiss scoured through

her like fire, and she wanted more. She didn’t want to stop.

She wanted to deepen it forever. She wanted to bite, but she

held herself back. Coralyn responded, angling her face for a