dreams, to skirting around that very thing she’d always been

too afraid to admit to herself that she desperately needed

because she was too busy being ice instead of being human.

She’d encased her dreams in a wall of that ice.

Even that night, she hadn’t been able to muster up the

proper amount of hate when she realized what Coralyn had

done, and so she’d made herself lash out in anger because that

was the familiar response, but she knew even then that she’d

somehow stumbled into something priceless, a treasure that

she’d done nothing to collect, but one that had come into her

life anyway. That night, she’d lost her edge and she knew it,

and she hadn’t been able to encase herself in the proper

amount of hardness ever since. What she’d felt that night had

been the beginning of a wondrous serious of contradictions.

From the guy she’d sent to report back on Coralyn, she

knew exactly where she was headed.

She even knew what number to buzz when she got there.

She didn’t stop buzzing until she was sure the buzzer might

actually be broken. Then she used common sense and got out

her phone and dialled Coralyn’s number. There was no answer.

She’d probably turned her phone off.

Giana did what any sane person in her situation would do

and ran her finger along every single little yellow button on

the row, up and down, up and down, pressing all of them, and

there must have been at least forty. Finally, some guy’s angry

voice drifted over the crackli

ng intercom.

“Do you know what fucking time it is? Wrong fucking

number, asshole.”

She pressed the speaker button. “I’m so sorry. I’ve locked