snapped. The tension of the past few days, weeks, the last

three fucking years, exploded out of her. “He designed it for

my mom. Each year for every year they were married. He

crafted it and remade it over and over again. It was his hands

that carved it out. His genius that fashioned it. He took all the

love he felt for her, and he made it tangible and visible. That

necklace meant more to him than you could ever know. It

meant more to her. I’ve already lost her, and now I’m losing

him, and you won’t lend it to me for just half an hour?”

There was not so much as a flicker in those green eyes

turned to stone and ice. “No.”

“Why did you even agree to this meeting if you weren’t

going to hear me out?” Her voice shook. She sounded small.

She felt small. Invisible. Defeated.

Giana’s face stayed neutral. “I was interested in hearing

what you had to say, and now I’ve heard it and now I’m not


It was all just too fucking much. Hysteria writhed inside her,

creeping up her throat. “Is this a game to you?” Coralyn

snapped. “You’re richer and more powerful than I am so you

think you can toy with me?”

Blood rushed in her ears. She was being ripped in half. Torn

to shreds. Not just her dignity, but her heart. She was here for

her father. The man she loved more than her own life. She was

losing him and now she was being mocked and ridiculed by

this woman who dared to do it just because she could,

dismissed as if she were trash and not a human being with real


Coralyn felt like she was the one dying right here in this

office. She’d never met a crueller, more terrible human being