she damn well owned it. Everything about that straight back,

shapely legs in six-inch heels, and black power suit screamed

money, confidence, and power. Giana’s dark hair was twisted

up into a tight knot. When she turned around, her beauty hit

Coralyn full on.

Her face was naturally gorgeous. Coralyn had refreshed her

research before coming. The photos online didn’t do Giana

justice. She was absolutely breathtaking and overwhelming to

the point of almost ominous in person.

Giana Thompson was thirty-four years old. She inherited

the company from her father when he retired, and owned a

good portion of the new builds in the city, and more all over

the state. The company was slowly expanding, doing builds in

other big cities, all the way down south to Texas. And this was

the woman in charge of it all.

“H-hi,” Coralyn stammered. “I’m Coralyn Anderson. I’m

here to see you.” She felt incredibly stupid. Bland and dull

standing there with the drugstore makeup she’d applied with

shaking hands, her best coat, and her sensible winter footwear,

which were probably leaking melting snow all over the

expensive tiled floor.

Giana’s eyes were a thousand shades of green, and the light

coming through the windows, hitting her high cheekbones,

slim nose, and full lips, only accentuated every detail of her

ethereal beauty. She was over six feet in those skinny heels.

The tailored suit probably cost thousands of dollars and fit her

curves exactly. She wore a tasteful, elegant gold chain around

her neck and no other visible jewell


Coralyn was nervous standing under the intense, silent