thinking those things right now? Maybe it was natural to want

to feel alive when everything else was grinding to a halt and

things were coming to an end. Didn’t people do that all the

time? Was it natural just to want to belong? To want to feel

good? She hadn’t thought about that part of herself for years.

She’d neglected herself. Giana was gorgeous. She was sexy

and powerful, and that had been attractive from the beginning,

even if her personality was cold and cruel.


“Yeah.” Coralyn looked up and found the old lady in the

wheelchair smiling at her again. She smiled back before she

turned away to study her shoes. “Yeah, if you want to do that,

that would be fine.”

It’s far more likely that you’ll never want to see me again

because I’m going to have to tell you the truth soon. When I

can scrape myself off the floor long enough to do it.

“Not tonight, though. Not until you’re ready. You can sleep

at my place for as long as you need. I can take time off work to

help you get things sorted out. I’m not trying to drive you

away. I’m trying to do the opposite. I want to fix us. I want our

marriage to succeed. Maybe it was the wrong time to do it. I

pushed too hard for it. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.”

“You think that we can make it work? Actually, I’m sorry.

Don’t answer that. You’re probably in no state to even be

thinking about this. I’m making this about me. I’m so sorry.”

“No. It’s a good distraction. I need this. Thank you for

calling just to talk until you got here. I really needed that too.”

“My parents didn’t have a good marriage. I have no idea

what loving someone even means.” Giana gasped into the