background. “Alright, I’m on my way now.”


“Talk to me. I needed to call you because it’s going to take

me half an hour to get there at least. Tell me all the things I

can’t remember about you.”

Her eyes flickered up to Jennifer, then back down. “Like

what? I don’t know where to start.” She was trying to distract

her. Coralyn wanted it to work.

“What’s your favorite food?”

The favorites list. This she could handle. “I don’t really

have one. I like lots of things. It depends on what I’m in the

mood for, I guess. It could be anything from a thick steak to

bubble gum ice cream.”

“Bubble gum.” Giana laughed. “That’s a good flavor.”

“Not a very adult flavor, but I’ve never cared.”

“We like what we like.”

Coralyn leaned back in the chair. Jennifer crossed her arms

and smiled at her encouragingly, as if she’d planned the call

herself. Did she have rounds to do? Other people who still

needed her? Patients who needed comfort? “Hold on one

second.” She covered the phone and gathered her things from

under the chair. It hurt, even thinking about leaving that room,

but this was what her dad would have wanted more than

anything. He would have wanted her to be fine, and he would

have used that token saying about it starting with putting one

foot in front of the other. She lunged forward, impulsively, and

r /> hugged Jennifer hard. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“If you need anything, don’t hesitate.”

“Thank you again. For everything. I’m going to go wait

downstairs. By the main doors.”