She shook her head. “No. He’s not himself. He doesn’t want

anyone seeing him like that. I tried to ask him to let me bring

you, but he didn’t want me to. He wants to be remembered the

way he was.”

At the next light, Giana took Coralyn’s in chin her grasp,

forcing her to turn and look at her. Her eyes were tear-filled

and when she blinked, silvery tracks trickled down her cheeks.

“Tell him that I’ll look after you,” Giana promised. “Tell him

that you’re loved and that you’re going to be okay. You’re

going to be my wife. I’m going to make this right. No more


Fresh tears trickled down ashen cheeks. Her coral lips

wobbled. “Okay,” she whispered. She tore her gaze forward,

and Giana let her hand fall because they were moving again.


The pain in Giana’s chest lingered. Something bit at her

mind, at the black blanketing everything. Something painful. It

hurt so much. She didn’t know anything right now, but she

knew she’d gotten good at tucking things away where she

didn’t have to think about them or feel them. Where they

couldn’t destroy her. She did that now, focusing on the

buildings and the cars and the world around her, even if it was

too bright and stung her eyes and made her head throb.

Chapter 4


It had all gotten out of hand so quickly.

She’d seen an opportunity and she’d taken it. It was an idea,

barely formed, a lie that was so fast to her lips. She was

desperate and she was angry, and then it was pouring out of

her, the lies, and she couldn’t stop them now. She couldn’t stop