lifetime. After that, she’d worked hard at keeping her emotions

level. Letting out a few tears here and there wouldn’t have

killed her. Then again, it might have. She didn’t take chances.

Everything in her life had been about the long game. Until


The neat, tiny swirls of her signature effectively ended the

standing date they had every night. Just when it started to feel


Giana glanced at the empty side of the bed. It didn’t feel

like it was taunting her. It just felt sad and still and alone. She

felt sad and still and alone. She thrust the papers down and

they fanned out on the comforter. There was one that didn’t

belong with the rest. One with tiny, neat little writing. A note.

She picked it up and held it to the light to read it.

What we were doing was real, and then it was a lie, and

then it was real again. This doesn’t feel like a lie. I don’t want

it to be a lie. We got married in deceit. It was wrong. Please

process the paperwork when you can. I left the necklace in the

box in the closet. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t take it with me. It

doesn’t belong to me anymore and it’s far too expensive for

you to just give it to me. Please keep it safe for me. Keep it all



Keep it all safe. What did that mean? Herself? Her heart?

Was the note a sad goodbye, a tearful goodbye, a painful

goodbye, a happy goodbye, or not a goodbye at all?

Giana didn’t do things like raise her voice or throw things,

but at the moment, the lamp beside her was mighty tempting.

It was a big, blocky thing that would put one hell of a hole in

the wall. It would probably fall to the floor and put a hole in