Giana guided Coralyn up. She twisted her around and undid

the zipper of her dress. It pooled around Coralyn’s waist, and

then slipped to the floor and gathered at her ankles. Her bra

was deftly undone and peeled down her arms, and then her

panties, peeled away far more gently than they’d ever been

taken off before. She was almost disappointed that this pair

actually remained intact.

After she was naked, Giana gently turned her around again

and pushed her to sitting on the edge of the bed. Coralyn

moved back until she was lying flat against the white

comforter, her head on the pillow. She imagined that she was

like an offering, naked, wearing only that necklace that

glistened in the firelight.

Giana turned and walked away.

Coralyn wanted to call out to her, but she was shocked.

What was it? Had she done something? Said something? There

was a frantic stream of words on her tongue, but they never

spilled out. Giana stopped halfway to the door. In the

flickering light of the flames, she shimmied out of her blouse.

She kept her back turned as she kicked off those sky-high

heels that she always wore, even in her own house where she

should be allowed to be comfortable. She didn’t look any less

powerful without them. She was still towering, a goddess, her

body somehow both lithe and muscular

, curvy and womanly,

and carved from stone.

Coralyn watched Giana’s arms work. Watched her whole

body ebb and flow as she stripped away her slacks and then

reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra. She slid her

panties away next, shimmying them down her long legs. The