All the tension of the day untied itself as soon as Coralyn

stepped into the house. The knots came unclenched the minute

she walked through the door. The process would start all over

again as soon as she was gone. Clench up. Perfection on the

outside. A shiny veneer. But not for the next few hours. The

next few hours were just theirs.

“Hi,” Coralyn greeted, a little shy. She started unbuttoning

her coat. After more than a week, they were at the stage where

it got tucked in the closet and her boots went on the expensive


In another life, they could probably be friends. In another

life, Giana wouldn’t have to deny the rush of pleasure she felt

as soon as Coralyn walked back into her life. In another life,

where sisters didn’t die, and families didn’t splinter. She

wasn’t living that life. She was trapped in this one. Coralyn

might feel like a key to unlocking that door to a few hours of

freedom, but soon enough that door slammed shut and she had

to go back to being on her guard constantly. With Coralyn,

though, she could forget that she was angry all the time, that

swimming under that icy exterior was a river of lava that

boiled in her veins.

That sweet hello made Giana feel transparent.

“What are we going to do tonight?” She had her hands

clasped, her blue eyes huge and curious, waiting for

instruction. She was such a faster learner. Always so eager to

take her punishment. She’d been coming back for nine nights

now. Not one. Nine. How much longer were they going to

keep doing this? The paperwork she was supposed to look at

sat untouched in the same spot on the desk in the office.

“Giana? Are you okay?”