juices threatening to make her delirious.

“You’re so wet,” Giana said, pulling back and sliding her

hand along her chin. Coralyn’s eyes wrenched open, and this

time, she blushed all the way to her collarbones.

“It felt good. So fucking good.” She was still shaking, and it

was echoed in her voice. “Can we—can I touch you?”

Giana straightened. “No. That’s not part of the punishment.”

She wanted it, wanted it so much that she was in pain herself,

but it would be too much right now. Too much ever, probably.

“I know that, but you… I want to—”

Giana smoothed down wrinkles in her blouse that weren’t

there. “Are you going to read over that contract? Luckily, you

managed not to soak it. It would have done a number on the

print, smudging it all over. I would have had to have the

lawyer send another copy.” Her tone suggested that she’d tell

said lawyer exactly why the paperwork needed to be replaced.

In reality, she would never do that.

Coralyn scooted off the desk. Her panties were ruined, so

she went for her jeans. She basically leaped into them. Giana

had never seen someone put on clothing that fast. She picked

up her coat next and shrugged into it but didn’t button it up.

She just stood there, staring Giana down without blinking.

Giana didn’t blink either. It was Coralyn who gave first.

“I’m too tired to read it tonight. I don’t think I could even if

I tried.”

“Why not? Because your backside is too sore to sit down,

and you can’t stand with legs that are like jelly?”

“Oh my god. You make everything sound so dirty.”

“But it’s true, isn’t it?”

“I’m tired,” she offered, a clear excuse. “Can I come back