There were things happening that—just start the annulment

process, Giana. I’ll sign it. Send me an NDA and I’ll sign that

too, in exchange for you having no more contact with me.

Write that into whatever contract you come up with.”

“Hmm.” She pretended to think about it, just so that it was

more maddening when she dropped the news. “No deal.”

Coralyn stormed over to her coat and picked it up. She

shrugged it on. “I’m leaving. If you can’t talk about this like a

decent person, and I don’t know why I expected that you from

you anyway, then I’m done with this. Send me whatever you

need to send me. You clearly know where to find me.”

Coralyn’s hands were shaking so badly she could barely flip

the lock on the door. Before she got it open, Giana got the last

word in. “No, sweetheart. You’ll come to me when you want

to finish this. If you’d done any research ahead of your

nefarious little plot, you would have found out that I never

break my word. Unfortunately for you, that leaves a rather

gray area where vows are concerned.” She smiled sweetly in

the face of Coralyn’s outraged gasp.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that when you do decide to come to me, of your

own free will, and ask to be punished again, you’ll mean it.”

Giana blinked slowly before she parroted back Coralyn’s

words to her. “You obviously know where to fine me.”

It was immensely satisfying to watch Coralyn tremble and

to hear the way her breaths hitched, coming out hard after

catching and holding, before she managed to get the locks

undone and escape the office.

Chapter 13
