Liquid heat blazed elsewhere. She throbbed between her legs.

She wanted to collar that pale column, press her hand against

where that hard swallow echoed, where Coralyn’s heartbeat

could be felt. She wanted her lips there too, easing the sting of

her touch. She wanted to inhale her scent as she—

“I’m done waiting for you to decide what to do with me.”

Coralyn tilted her head, drawing herself up to her full height,

even though Giana towered over her in every way. “I’m done

waiting for you to punish me. If you want to terrorize me, or

do something to me to make me pay, then just get it done and

over with. I’m tired of being toyed with.”

Fuck. Coralyn couldn’t know what she was offering. It

made Giana feel like she was the one naked. For once in her

life, she was willing to break her own rules. She’d argued with

herself that the damage was already done, but that just meant

she should be doing more to get back in control. She didn’t

know why she wasn’t. Why she couldn’t.

“I wasn’t toying with you,” Giana snapped. Keep going, and

you’re going to make a mistake. She’d been angry, but that had

given over to something else once she’d had time to process it,

and time was all she’d had, no matter how busy she’d been

with work. “I was trying to give you time to acclimate. Your

father died.” She was verging on tenderness now, she heard it

in her voice, and she had to stop. “Yes, I was insensitive about

it. I was angry.” I was hurt. You betrayed me. No, she hadn’t

been hurt. Nothing could hurt her. Nothing could get past that

steel coating.

“Fine. I’m fine.” She wasn’t fine. “Just punish me and get it

over with and let me live my life. The marriage can be

annulled. I’ll never tell anyone what happened.”