even if her heart was racing rather unexpectedly. She held up a

hand to silence her secretary’s stammering. “That’s fine.

Please cancel my meetings for the next couple hours. Actually,

reschedule everything I have this afternoon.”

Coralyn didn’t smirk. If anything, she blanched at that.

Whatever it was that she’d wanted to say, that was so

important she’d come in here without warning, without being

summoned, she hadn’t expected to be trapped there with her

for hours.

“But that’s—”

“Give my sincere apologies. Whatever you need to do. I’ll

come to them next time. They’ll be on their home turf. If they

have a list of concerns, please email them to me and I’ll deal

with them by this evening.”

“Yes, Ms. Thompson, I’ll do that.”

Once they were alone in the office, Giana walked over to

the windows. She stared down at the city, moving and

breathing, pulsing with life at her feet. She’d planned the

office so that every single time she looked out, she’d feel this

way. It wasn’t so grand at the moment. She couldn’t care less

about the view. The only thing she wanted to look at was


It was unnerving and unsettling, and that sensation that had

been bouncing around in her head for the past two weeks

hadn’t rested. It was now like a clawing beast, snarling at her

to pay fucking attention. Feelings were meant to be mastered,

and in the past, she’d learned just how dangerous and useless

volatile emotions could be. She’d very carefully trained herself

to remain stoic and impassive, even in the worst situations.

She hated that she had to give Coralyn her back now, just