close it down. The building was leased, so it wasn’t an asset

that could be liquidated. The house, which was nice but not the

kind of nice that Giana was used to living in, was sold, but

there was still part of a mortgage to pay off.

In the end, Coralyn had worked her way through night

school. She now had a small apartment, and while it was

crumbling, it wasn’t in a horrible area. She’d been left with

little student loan debt since she’d worked full time when she

went to school, and the sale of their assets had paid for the

> medical bills. The most valuable asset they’d waited to sell

until last. The necklace that was now in her possession.

Giana’s office door burst open, scattering the back and forth

she’d been doing with herself since she’d sent Coralyn literally

out into the cold. The sight of her wife, pink cheeked, wearing

that same cool coat and those sturdy, ugly boots, blue eyes

glowing with determination, brought her up short.

Her secretary fluttered around behind Coralyn, so flustered

that she was equally pink cheeked. It was the second time in

less than ten minutes that she’d come into the office looking

like the hounds of hell were dogging her.

She was nervous about losing her job. About setting Giana

off, even though she didn’t lose control and go on rants. No,

she had impeccable control. Perhaps some of that delightful

pink on Coralyn’s pale skin and sharp cheekbones was from

nerves too.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Thompson. She just burst in here. Wouldn’t

take no for an answer. She said she had a standing

appointment. But you—that meeting…”

Giana stood up, not too quickly. She didn’t want it to appear

like she was in a hurry or like she was the one taking orders,