behind the huge desk, she shivered even though the house’s

heat was pumping. The tank and shorts she had on, a matching

set to what she’d given Coralyn to wear to bed, felt like a poor

shield against what she was about to do.

She didn’t know much. Didn’t have much. Just a foggy

picture and a piercing pain that told her not to pursue it, but

she had to know. She opened her laptop and waited for it to

power on. She sat and debated with herself before finally

hitting the browser icon.

She tapped on the keys lightly with

her index finger, warning herself, trying to talk herself out of

it, and then she typed in her own name and hit enter.

Most of the hits were new. Business related. Magazine

articles. Lots of articles about the things she’d collected.

Paintings. That crazy tusk. A necklace. Lists of top thirty

under thirty from a few years ago. Entrepreneurial and

building and business articles. It wasn’t what she wanted. She

tried again, scrolling to the top and added the words car

accident behind her name.

There it was. The wreckage. Her mind screamed at her, her

brain and her heart aching together in protest, but she clicked

on the first article. There were photos. Not a car, but an SUV.

Twenty years ago. She was fourteen. She read, scrolling down

past the gruesome image of the crumpled SUV.

How it had left the road. A social function. Her dad,

suspected of being inebriated, but nothing was ever proven.

There, near the bottom of the article, an update. Morgan

Thompson taken to hospital with life threatening injuries. Two

daughters involved in the accident. Critical condition. Names

not being released to protect minors involved.