right to the edge. She’d begged her for this. The stubborn,

foolish woman brought this on herself.

“You didn’t listen to me. I told you to stay away. I told you

we were done. But here you are. Goading me into this.

Goading me into giving you the pain you don’t even know

how to crave yet. You think you’re brave, don’t you?”


“Good. That’s good. Hang onto that thought. You’ll need

it.” She reared back and struck Haley, letting the strap fall

across her right ass cheek. The red mark that bloomed there

fired Claire’s blood.

“Ow! Holy fuck!”

“Such a dirty mouth. You should be punished for that too.”

She struck Haley again, on the other side of her ass, leaving a

mark to match the first one. Haley strained at the straps that

tied her arms and her breath punched out of her lungs in a

gasp. She kept her face forward and down, her ass thrust up in

the air. Claire hit her again and again, leaving red marks that

would fade shortly. She was careful. The sting of what she was

doing would outlast the redness of Haley’s skin. “More? Or

should I untie you so that you can abandon this foolish game

of yours?”

“More,” Haley said through gritted teeth. “I want more.”

Claire laughed coldly to cover her amazement. She was sure

that a simple taste of pain would send Haley scrambling for

the door. That she’d take every available out in her power to

get away from the bite of the strap, to get away from the

woman wielding it behind her.

She dipped her fingers between Haley’s legs and found her

soaked. Her juices drenched her fingers. Claire’s heart