facelift, she’d go for one, no need to take their lives into their

hands to move at light speed.

Claire kept her eyes forward and Haley tried to tell what she

was thinking while the scenery flashed by them at astonishing

rates. I want her. No, it’s just curiosity. Haley knew she was a

liar. Claire was exotic. She knew about things that Haley

couldn’t possibly imagine. Claire was older and that was

exciting, but it was her beauty, her knowledge, and her icy

exterior that drew Haley most. What was Claire hiding behind

that façade? What sadness and what secrets? She wanted to


Whatever it was, was it bad? Haley had tried to goad her

into telling her about her past by mouthing off in her office,

but it hadn’t worked. She’d denied ever having any bad

experiences or a shitty childhood. She was insanely rich, and

when Haley tried to look Claire up online, all she came up

with was that it was family money. That was all she could

find. Rich families could be bad too.

Just because Claire had money and had come from it didn’t

mean she’d always been happy. Maybe it was the being rich

thing that made her how she was. Maybe she was tired of

everyone expecting something from her or wanting a piece of

her. It was impossible to know. She wasn’t going to tell Haley.

Not with her words. Not with her body.

Haley squirmed in her seat, pressing her thighs together to

try to relieve the pressure there. She’d worn skinny jeans and

all day the seams had chafed against her overly sensitive clit.

She’d felt hot and damp, aching all day.

It would have been easier if Claire was back at home and

she’d been able to escape her, but no. All day she’d been so