“Would you beg me for it?” Claire goaded.

A tear rolled down Haley’s cheek and she reached up and

brushed it away. She met Claire’s eyes and nodded.

Claire could have left her. She could have laughed and made

it clear she was only toying with Haley. That she had no

intentions of doing anything of the sort past a kiss to prove a

point, but she couldn’t make herself leave. The sight of that

tear undid her, pulling at her like she was a snag on a line of

stitching until she was undone.

“Take your skirt off,” Claire commanded, buying herself

time, trying to get herself under control. She was breathing as

frantically as Haley.

She obeyed immediately, tearing the black garment away. It

was knee length, tasteful. Practical. Sometimes Haley wore

jeans, sometimes casual dresses, sometimes she liked to dress

up. That skirt was fucking hot. It was even hotter on the floor.

“Lean back against the bookshelf and spread your legs.”

Haley’s face turned scarlet, but she leaned back, her legs

spread. Not nearly enough. She was wearing flats. Claire

trailed her hand up Haley’s thigh and was rewarded with a

gasp. She could smell how wet Haley was. Her panties were

drenched, and fuck, she wanted to put them in her mouth and

suck that sweet moisture from the fabric before she tasted it

right from the source.

“Step out of your shoes. Kick them off.”

If they were heels, Claire would have let her keep them on.

Haley was obedient again, scrambling to lift her leg and arch

her foot and send the shoes flying. A scrap of lace covered her

at the juncture of her legs. Creamy flesh. Soft skin. The

softest. Claire trailed her fingers up Haley’s thigh. She