her head like she was displeased. “If you want me to show you

how a real kiss is done, all you have to do is ask and mean it.”

The change in Haley was immediate. Her breath came hard.

She was panting, her shoulders rising and falling as she

worked for oxygen. Her pupils blew out and her blue irises

darkened to a midnight sky. She was breathtaking, but it was

Claire she was fixated on. Was her heart pounding? Pulsing?

Was she feeling the animal instinct to race for the door and

fling herself out of the office? If she wanted to run, Claire

would let her go. What she wanted from Haley was for Haley

to want every single bit of the pleasure and pain Claire could

give her. She wouldn’t chase her. Chasing was boring. She

wanted Haley to come to her. Willingly.

She wanted her to beg.

As if she could beat Claire at her game, Haley’s chin tipped

up defiantly. “Alright, then. Kiss me. I want you to. It won’t

mean anything for the agreement, and I won’t go crying to my

dad. This is purely an experiment.”

Claire’s lips turned up in a seductive smile she couldn’t

control. “Come here, then.” She stood up, slowly unfolding

herself, letting Haley watch every movement. She pushed the

chair away and crooked her finger.

Haley was too stubborn to back down. She walked dutifully

around the desk, holding her head up, trying to be brave. It

was all an act. She was trembling with apprehension, but more

likely from want.

Claire waited until Haley was standing right in front of her

before she grasped her shoulder with one hand and her waist

with the other, whirling her and steering her the few steps to

the towering bookcase. Her back slammed against the books,