What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening?

“You won’t talk me out of watching you. I’m not going to

send Jenny or Jean or anyone else. I’ll go with you. I’ll make

sure you get there myself. I’ll sit in on your class. I’ll drive

you home.”

Haley ripped her hand away and clenched both fists at her

sides. “I didn’t give him anything. I didn’t do anything to him!

I’m the one who got us home safely! I even freaking got him

water from the cafeteria and crackers and napkins and

peppermint gum. I would never make someone sick!”

“You’ve tried to get away from him before.”

“Yeah, and we talked about that. This wasn’t me. He’s really

sick and he should probably go to a doctor, or you should have

one come here. That would prove that I didn’t slip him


Claire actually looked like she believed her, but she wasn’t

going to let her off easy. She was enjoying herself. Enjoying

intimidating her. She was enjoying her stupid little power trip

and Haley was done with it. She was so over this spiteful,

bitter, strange woman who made her stomach turn with

distaste, who was all mixed up and messed up, and who was

so infuriatingly goddess-like while doing it. She radiated

control. She was probably a total control freak, actually. She

liked doing the dominating.

Oh my God. She liked doing the dominating.

She wants me, and it pisses her off. She has no control over

it. It shouldn’t happen. She told my dad it wouldn’t.

If it did, maybe it was the out that Haley didn’t know

existed. Maybe, if Claire lost control completely, if she was

seduced by her, she’d be in breach of the agreement and Haley