The cowering only ignited Claire’s instincts to chase, and

that too made her furious. She wanted to lose those fucking

thoughts. Lose the horrible and undeniable attraction she had

to this woman who was the enemy’s daughter, and so the

enemy by extension. She needed to squash the sick instinct in

herself, the even sicker desire. It had to stop.

It would stop.

“You thoughtless, irresponsible brat,” Claire snapped. “You

have zero thought or care for anyone else’s feelings.”

Haley’s face crumpled, but Claire refused to be swayed by

her astonishing beauty. She wasn’t going to show mercy and

she wasn’t going to feel pity. She was a storm of wrath, and

she knew it wasn’t entirely Haley’s fault. For ditching Snake

because she’d hatched a plan to meet up with her friends. For

trying to escape without escaping at all. For trying to fly away

from the cage Claire wanted to keep her in, because the urge to

keep her safe and do terrible things to her warred in her with

every passing second.

Haley was clearly running through her options, her eyes

wide, the whites showing because she was scared. She

couldn’t flee. There was no escape. Her only other option was

to fight, and Claire could see the second the notion registered.

Haley braced herself, refusing to back down any further. She

stared Claire down, and fuck it was hot as hell seeing that

pouty, sultry defiance on her face.

Claire stopped. She could barely catch her breath. What was

I saying? Right. Snake. “You gave Snake a heart attack. He’d

never show it, but he was worried.”

Haley had the nerve to snort. “Only because he’s afraid

you’d take a strip out of his hide.”