the kitchen like a fire breathing dragon still gave Haley chills.

What was she supposed to do all day? The instructions

she’d been given were pretty damn vague. The house was

huge. Was there a boat down at the water? What would Claire

do if she took it out? She’d probably stroke out. It was June,

and the water was likely still frigid, but maybe she’d try a


Haley’s spacious guest room, with the expensive dark

furniture, big bed, hardwood floor, huge woven rug,

wainscoting on the walls, and crown moulding on the ceiling,

overlooked the back yard. No, not the yard. Grounds was a

more appropriate word for the expanse of land that surrounded

the house. Beyond that, she could see the water and the small

strip of sand that broke away from the grass. Growing up in

the city, Haley had never seen so much land belonging to a

single house, owned by a single person.

Why’s she so uptight about losing that restaurant when she

clearly has more money than she knows what do with? The

woman is probably richer than God.

Haley dug in the suitcase she’d brought and pulled out a

long red maxi dress and a lightweight cardigan to go overtop.

She’d used the en suite bathroom the night before, standing

under the weird square showerhead that came out of the

ceiling for nearly an hour because it felt so good and

apparently the house never ran out of hot water.

She felt more refreshed than she should as she pulled on her

clothes. She’d slept well, even though she shouldn’t have. Not

for her first night in a stranger’s house.

Slipping down to the kitchen, Haley found Jean puttering

around, mixing something in a bowl. It was nine in the