Leanne, who giggled and cooed and hardly ever cried.

Everyone loved little Leanne with her light that already

shone so bright, and everyone loved stormy Emily just as

much. They were the two brightest parts of Claire and Haley’s


Although Robert had been very slow coming around to the

idea of Claire and Haley being together, and who Haley had

been forced to beg to attend their wedding, once he saw their

adopted girls the last of his ice had finally melted.

Both girls loved their grandpa, but Emily held a special soft

spot for him in her heart and Robert was the same. He and

Claire had finally made amends and agreed to put the past

behind them. Claire had been trying for years, but it was the

girls who were the last straw in the old feud. Robert was busy

with his restaurants, which were thriving under the managers

Claire had appointed before she turned control back over to


“Claire! Get in, darling. You heard what Jean said. I don’t

think he was kidding. Diapers only hold out for so long. So do

naps and already semi-cranky, teething toddlers.”

Claire took Haley’s hand as she slid behind the wheel of

their black SUV. They’d upgraded the cars after having kids

because no matter how big a backseat was in a car, it was just

easier in a bigger SUV. It made parking more challenging, but

normally that was okay. Even today, it would still be okay.

Early or late, cranky or smiling babies, Claire still had the

most beautiful family and the love of her life by her side. It

was a lot for someone who had been so resolutely determined

to be single for the rest of her life.

There was a time when she couldn’t imagine herself being