restaurant. Haley played there regularly. She had plans to go

back to school and get her Masters, and then maybe even teach

at a college level. She’d often laughed and said she’d be

content just giving piano lessons, but Claire wasn’t having any

of that. She wanted Haley to reach for all of her dreams.

Jean took an immediate liking to the babies, surprising

everyone, even himself. He loved those little girls, and he was

like a pseudo nanny, so they hadn’t had to hire anyone. He did

less and less cooking and more and more helping out with the

girls and that was okay with everyone.

Snake had found other employment, but he still kept in

touch. He had to, because Amy had finally convinced him to

go on a date with her and that led to other dates, which led to

them falling in love and getting engaged. Haley had been so

astounded and so happy when Amy brought him, out of the

blue, to a barbeque they were having. She had kept their dating

a secret for a few months, and no one thought it was funnier to

surprise everyone than Amy herself.

Jenny still worked for Claire, She’d surprised absolutely no

one and had fallen head over heels in love with Elva, They’d

had a whirlwind romance that delighted everyone and a

wedding that brought them all so much joy. After that, their

family had expanded, they all now lived in the not so newly

erected guest house at the back of the property. It was huge

and spacious and gorgeous. Claire had to call it a pool house

when she’d had the pool installed, just to be able to build it,

but it was worth every minute of every headache the builders

gave everyone.

Claire didn’t really ever need a bodyguard, and she’d hired

Jenny for security, and over the years, she’d made sure Jenny