Claire kissed Haley again, all passion and sweetness, and

Haley leaned into it so very gladly. “A life together would be

the best thing of all.”



“Kids are fed, dressed, changed, and ready. I’m dressed

and ready by a miracle, and you look beyond amazing. I think

we’re good to go.”

Haley was red faced and panting, but she was smiling.

“Thank you,” Claire whispered. They had about two

seconds to spare, and she made them count. She hugged Haley

tight, grazing her lips with a kiss. “Thank you for everything

you do.”

Haley snorted and dismissed that with a roll of her eyes.

“This is your big day. I’m so freaking proud of you. There’s no

way we’re going to be late. And it wasn’t just me. You’ve

been working your butt off for the past two years to get here.”

Claire snatched her car keys from the hallway table. They

really needed to get one of those fancy key hangers, then the

first twenty minutes of their day wouldn’t have to be spent

hunting down vital objects that didn’t want to show

themselves. “It was actually your idea.”

Haley grabbed the diaper bag and threw it over her shoulder.

“I can’t take any credit for it after that.”

“You can take all the credit. You’re my wife.”

Haley gave Claire the softest smile. “I love that I’m your

wife. I love our life together. I love you. Sometimes I can

hardly believe this is real.”

“I love you too.” Claire managed to get in another kiss, this

one longer and much more tantalizing, before Haley turned her