dredge up the pain of the past?

She flicked her gaze to her grandma, who had her nose

wrinkled in confusion. She was silent. Her grandma was

always silent, always assessing. She was one of the wisest,

kindest people Haley knew. Wise because she reserved

judgement until she had all the information. She’d taught

Haley that sometimes silence was best. It was a lesson hard


“Does she want to see me? We came here because…uh…

but we can leave. We can leave right now.” Haley tapped her

foot, a nervous tick, while she waited for Snake to tell her

what he knew.

She was shocked when he reached out and tousled her hair.

No one had ever done that to her. Not when she was a kid.

Certainly not now that she was an adult. He made a mess of

the dark strands that she hurriedly reached up to claw back

into place. “Hey!”

He laughed. He had a deep, booming laugh. That surprised

her too. She wasn’t sure that she’d ever heard it before. They’d

spent almost every waking minute together. She should have

tried harder to draw that from him.

“I don’t think that you should go. I think she’d be very

happy to see you.”

“Do you…really think that, or are you just saying it?”

Snake chortled. Actually chortled. “I really think that. She’s

missed you.”

Haley had a strange inkling. All those times in the past

month that she’d felt like there was someone watching her, but

she’d never seen anyone, was she being watched?

“What exactly is your job title now?” She stared Snake