
“I would bet that she confronted him with what she knew.”

Claire had told Jenny everything after Haley left. Jenny

knew every word that Haley knew. She knew more about

Claire now than she ever had. It was important that she be

informed, even if it killed Claire just slightly less than when

she’d told Haley.

“We can’t speculate on what she was feeling or thinking.

Her dad probably denied everything.”

“If she believed you, that would have made her angry.”

“You think so?”

Jenny didn’t answer. Her silence was answer enough. She

hadn’t liked the idea of Haley. She didn’t like it one bit when

Haley was there. She’d always been on Claire’s side, looking

out for her best interests. Her quiet now was confusing. She’d

said she was sorry that she’d asked for Haley to be sent away

because she should see that Claire was in pain. That’s what

Jenny was sorry for. So why had she asked Snake to watch

Haley if she didn’t care what happened to her? Maybe it was

something to do with the whole keep your enemies closer


“I think she misses you,” Jenny said when Claire had just

resumed chopping.

The knife glanced off the peppers, and Claire set it down,

panting. She started to pace around the kitchen, not looking in

Jenny’s direction. She was scared of this. Scared of this surge

that couldn’t be contained. She looked out over the sound, the

black waters swirling in the dark night. She couldn’t see much,

but she could hear it. The water. Always the same. Always
