account’. Yes, she wanted revenge, and yes, I was a part of

that plan, but not me personally. She never wanted to hurt me.

She promised she wouldn’t, and she did everything she could

to keep that promise. I saw a woman I wanted and that’s on

me. She couldn’t control my feelings and she certainly didn’t

want them. You have no reason to believe me, except that you

knew her. She was and still is an incredible person. The fact is,

you wronged her. You stole from her. You nearly broke her

when she needed you the most. If you’re going to go to her for

any reason, then I hope it’s to apologize and make things right.

I’m here right now because of the past, for so many different

reasons. This only happened because of the past. I know you

never meant to hurt me, but when you did what you did, and

you stole that restaurant and you broke Claire’s heart, you put

everything into motion and now it’s too late. It’s already


“Where are you going?” he finally called after her when she

was on her way out of the kitchen.

“I’m going to grandma and grandpa’s for a bit. I need to talk

to grandma about everything. Please, just let me go. We really

both do need time to calm down.”

Her dad was mad enough that he might try to stop her. He

couldn’t really stop her because she was an adult, and she had

her own car and her own phone. Even if he took those away,

she had her own bank account, her own credit cards and debit

card. She could get a cab. He could try to talk her out of it. He

could lay the guilt on thick in his own way. He could punish

her with his words and his disappointment and even his


To his credit, he let her go.