fighting for you.

Lies. All lies.

Haley was every bit as comfortable being naked now. In

reality, Claire wasn’t comfortable with it, she’d just had more

practice pretending that she was and hiding her real feelings. It

was only because it was Haley who was with her and she felt

safe with her, which she was willing to admit now, because not

admitting it would be the most heinous lie, that she was okay

with taking all her clothes off. She wasn’t ashamed of her

body, and just for once, she wanted to let down her defenses. It

would only be once. There couldn’t be another time.

“Claire. Stay with me. Please. Does this feel good?” Haley

bent and claimed her other nipple, not letting Claire get lost in

her head again. She brought her back to the present by

scraping her teeth over the sensitive bud just hard enough that

Claire nearly jacked off the bed. As she did, Haley reached

down and ran her hand along the inside of Claire’s thigh,

teasing her with the lightest touch. Her fingers were like satin,

searching, wanting, higher, higher.

She wasn’t going to touch her there and Claire wouldn’t

beg. She wanted to see what Haley wanted to do to her. If she

didn’t give instruction, what would it be like between them?

Haley was waiting, clearly, but when Claire said nothing,

she kissed a path down Claire’s chest, her lips glancing off

spots that made Claire want to weep and laugh because she

was ticklish along her ribs and her belly, but also cry because

no one had ever been so tender with her. She’d never allowed

it. She was allowing it now. Basking in it.

She went lower and lower, kissing and tasting, licking,

taking her time, purring with every second until she propped