and she wanted Haley.

Soon she wouldn’t allow herself to want her because she’d

made promises, and part of that was Haley’s safety and

happiness. She knew what it was to be a young woman who

got hurt, who was ripped apart, whose life was shredded into a

horrible mess because it was dictated by others, and she would

never do that to Haley. Even if she proved something to

herself tonight, with Haley, that wouldn’t ultimately change

the outcome.

Claire knew she should have been stronger, but she couldn’t

be. She wanted Haley too much. She felt fevered with it. She’d

never been kissed the way Haley was kissing her now. She

doubted she’d ever kissed anyone that way either.

When Haley finally pulled away for air, her eyes were

burning as bright as the fever that scoured through Claire. Her

lips curled up in the sweetest smile and Claire nearly called it

off, but Haley pulled her back in and kissed her just as hard,

drawing her right back into the eye of the storm. This time,

Haley walked them across the room, pulling Claire with her,

over to the bed.

She’d never been this close to anyone before. She’d never

allowed anyone to see her fully naked, literally or figuratively.

Only Haley.

They fell to the bed together, tangled together. It was

Claire’s instinct to land on top, to be the one in control and

calling the shots, but at the last second, she twisted, allowing

Haley to be the one up there. Her eyes wrenched open as their

kiss broke and she studied Claire in surprise.

“Is this okay?” Haley asked so sweetly, eyes big and round

with concern.